Landscape throughout the day
Landscape throughout the day
In the “Landscape throughout the day” online Creative Class, Ambre Verschaeve introduces you to the basic principles of colour and invites you to create a landscape. A rural setting in three parts at key moments of the day, brought to life with gouache. Your monochrome tableau changes from dawn to dusk. In turn pinky-orange, green and blue, it changes thanks to the magic of the play of complementary, broken and monochrome colours. Passionate about colour, Ambre teaches you about contrasts, warm and cold shades and colour planes. The result? A stunning triptych combining light and shadow, sunrise and sunset. So grab your pencils and enjoy all the fun and enlightenment of Ambre’s delicate, poetic and highly colourful world!
Equipment :
Gouache Studio paint tablets
3 sheets of paper - square format 250g/m²
Sheet of rough paper
HB Graphite pencil
Watercolour brush
Watercolour palette
Design eraser
Pencil sharpener
Water cup
Paper towel
Adhesive tape
The Caran d'Ache material can be found on :
Biography :
Illustrator and creative workshop leader, Ambre Verschaeve cultivates a resolutely colourful style, giving life to detailed and delicate illustrations often inspired by nature: fauna, flora, but also landscapes and animals encountered during her walks and travels. Her favourite instrument? Coloured pencils in general, and Luminance 6901 pencils in particular, for their vibrant colours and smooth textures. Always eager to share her passion, she has only one wish: to encourage creation and develop a taste for colour in everyone. So that everyone can discover a playful universe, where each technique and product offers an infinite number of possibilities.
Up Next in Landscape throughout the day
Landschaft im Tagesverlauf
Im Online-Kreativkurs „Landschaft im Tagesverlauf“ vermittelt Ihnen Ambre die Grundprinzipien des Umgangs mit Farbe und malt gemeinsam mit Ihnen eine Landschaft. Entstehen soll ein idyllisches Motiv in drei Varianten, die den wichtigsten Tageszeiten entsprechen. Die Gouache erweckt sie zum Leben....
KO Landscape throughout the day - 한국어...
Ambre Verschaeve는 이 수업을 통해 색상의 기본 원리를 소개하고 풍경을 그리도록 안내합니다. 과슈로 새벽부터 저녁까지의 시간대를 담은 농촌 풍경을 그립니다. 분홍색, 주황색, 초록색, 파란색 등 보색, 색채 조화, 단색 등 색상의 마법을 이용하여 단색 명암이 바뀌는 모노크롬 화면을 완성합니다. 색상에 열정을 가진 Ambre는 대비, 온도별 색조, 색상 면을 가르쳐줍니다. 결과물은 빛과 그림자, 일출과 일몰을 결합한 아름다운 삼면화입니다. 지금 바로 연필을 들고 Ambre의 섬세하고 다채로운 세계로 떠나볼까요?
JP Landscape throughout the day - 日の風景
アンバー・ヴェルシェーヴのオンライン・クリエイティブ・クラス「一日の風景」では、色彩の基本原則を紹介し、風景画を創作します。田園風景を3つのパートに分け、夜明けから夕暮れまで変化する1日の重要な瞬間をガッシュで生き生きと描きます。補色、分解色、モノクロームのマジックによって、ピンクがかったオレンジ、グリーン、ブルーの順に変化していきます。色彩に情熱を注ぐアンバーは、コントラストや暖色と寒色、そして色面についてご紹介します。 鉛筆と共に、アンバーの繊細で詩的、そして色彩豊かな世界を楽しみながら、光と影、日の出と日没を組み合わせた美しい三連の風景画を描きましょう。