Graphic novel – Fabian Menor
Fabian Menor
1h 36m
Discover the newest online Creative Class and learn the fundamentals of the graphic novel with artist Fabian Menor. This course will guide you through the key steps to create a graphic novel board, while giving you the freedom to explore your own style. Using Caran d'Ache's Museum Aquarelle, Fabian will show you how to bring your creations to life with unique, watercolour-like effects. You will learn how to structure your scenes and work on various compositions. The aim of this course is to enable you to tell your own stories in a visual and immersive way!
Equipment :
Museum Aquarelle colour pencils
Paper - A4 format 250g/m²
HB Graphite pencil
Watercolour brush
Watercolour palette
Design eraser
Pencil sharpener
Water cup
The Caran d'Ache material can be found on:
Biography :
Fabian Menor is a Geneva-based artist specialising in graphic novels. Passionate about visual storytelling, he likes to create captivating stories through striking, poetic images. His favourite tools? Museum Aquarelle pencils, which he uses to bring scenes to life with rich detail and emotion. By combining transparency effects and watercolour textures, he creates immersive visual worlds where every image tells a story. Always eager to pass on his passion, Fabian invites creators to explore their creativity and find their own voice in the art of the graphic novels.
Up Next in Fabian Menor
Graphic Novel – Fabian Menor
Entdecken Sie einen neuen Online-Kreativkurs und lernen Sie mit dem Künstler Fabian Menor die Grundlagen der Kreation eines Graphic Novel. Dieser Kurs führt Sie durch die wichtigsten Schritte und Fundamentals die Sie für die Erstellung eines Graphic Novel-Boards benötigen, und lässt Ihnen die Fre...