Enchanted forest – Ambre Verschaeve
Ambre Verschaeve
In the "Enchanted Forest" online Creative Class, Ambre invites you to create the forest of your dreams, a real blossoming of trees with multicoloured foliage, thanks to our permanent and water-solube colour pencils. Ambre, passionate about colours and an undisputed expert, shares her well-kept secrets with you. She teaches you how to simplify shapes, combine colours, blend them, unify them, and create shadows and relief. The result? A sumptuous forest in which all you have to do is get lost! Don't wait any longer and plunge into the poetic, delicate and ultra-coloured world of Ambre, for a moment as playful as it is magical!
Equipment :
Supracolor Aquarelle colour pencils
Luminance 6901 permanent colour pencils
Paper - A4 format 250g/m²
Sheet of rough paper
HB Graphite pencil
Watercolour brush
Round no.10 b Acrylic paintbrush
Watercolour palette
Technik eraser
Pencil sharpener
The Caran d'Ache material can be found on :
Biography :
Illustrator and creative workshop leader, Ambre Verschaeve cultivates a resolutely colourful style, giving life to detailed and delicate illustrations often inspired by nature: fauna, flora, but also landscapes and animals encountered during her walks and travels. Her favourite instrument? Coloured pencils in general, and Luminance 6901 pencils in particular, for their vibrant colours and smooth textures. Always eager to share her passion, she has only one wish: to encourage creation and develop a taste for colour in everyone. So that everyone can discover a playful universe, where each technique and product offers an infinite number of possibilities.
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