Floral greetings card – Julie Thomas
Julie Thomas
In the “Floral greetings card” online Creative Class, Julie introduces you to the use of complementary mediums and offers you the opportunity to create a floral greetings card with a personalised message. A simplified drawing full of freshness, with delicate movements brought to life by water-soluble colour pencils and fibre-tipped pens including a paintbrush. The result? With peps and lightness, Julie teaches you the art of floral compositions using orange-pink petals and shades of green. She teaches you to master abstract shapes and the use of fibre-tipped pens combined with colour pencils. Glide around the paper, playing with the mixture of tangy colours and transparent effects to which she alone holds the key.
Equipment :
Supracolor Aquarelle colour pencils
Fibralo Brush fibre-tipped pens
Paper - A4 format 250g/m²
HB Graphite pencil
Watercolour brush
Watercolour palette
Design eraser
Two cups of water
Adhesive tape
The Caran d'Ache material can be found on :
Biography :
Watercolourist and illustrator, Julie Thomas expresses herself through watercolours. A medium that enables her to create original transparent effects. Her favourite instruments? Gouache Studio and Supracolor Aquarelle pencils. Media which, when mixed with water, help her create evanescent atmospheres in which losing yourself is a genuine meditative pleasure. Always eager to share her passion, Julie has only one wish: to pass on the knowledge she has acquired over the years. She invites you to let go, to listen to your instinct, in a playful universe, where each technique and product offers an infinity of possibilities.
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