Zesty patterns by Claudia Melchor del Rio
Create a pattern with abstract forms and experiment with mixed media in a zesty world
In the “Zesty patterns” online Creative Class, Claudia introduces you to the simultaneous use of colour pencils and water-soluble fibre-tipped pens, offering you a chance to escape to the very heart of a tropical world. But not just any world! A fantastic, abstract world populated by rocks, palm trees, mountains and flowers, each more colourful than the next, that form a living whole. The result? Claudia teaches you to create patterns by combing vibrant colours and imaginary shapes. And with her infectious joie de vivre, she shares her tips for structuring the drawing, blending colours and creating an interplay between thick and thin. Soak up this dream world!
Motifs acidulés – Claudia Melchor del Rio
Dans le cours créatif en ligne « Motifs acidulés», Claudia vous initie à l’utilisation simultanée de crayons de couleur et de feutres solubles à l’eau afin de vous évader au cœur de son univers tropical. Mais pas n’importe lequel ! Un lieu fantastique abstrait, arboré de rochers, palmiers, montag...
Zesty patterns – Claudia Melchor del Rio
In the “Zesty patterns” online Creative Class, Claudia introduces you to the simultaneous use of colour pencils and water-soluble fibre-tipped pens, offering you a chance to escape to the very heart of a tropical world. But not just any world! A fantastic, abstract world populated by rocks, palm ...
Spritzig-frische Tropen-Motive – Claudia Melchor del Rio
Im Online-Kreativkurs „spritzig-frische Tropen-Motive“ macht Claudia Sie mit der gleichzeitigen Nutzung von Farbstiften und wasserlöslichen Fasermalern vertraut und entführt Sie in eine imaginäre Tropenwelt. Aber nicht in irgendeine ... Dieser fantastische Ort wirkt abstrakt und kann mit Felsen, ...