Multicoloured galaxy by Nicolas Bamert
Create and explore the colours of the cosmos with mixed techniques
IIn the online creative class "Multicoloured Galaxy," Nicolas Bamert invites you to explore space. Use pastels to mix, watercolour, and overlay textures and colours, and create fluorescent effects with the maxi pencils. Put on your astronaut suit, board your rocket, and travel between these couloured planets. The result? A night sky with multiple effects that will take you beyond the stars. Don't wait any longer and dive into this cosmic universe, where each brushstroke transports you to a distant galaxy.
Galaxie multicolore – Nicolas Bamert
Dans le cours créatif en ligne « Galaxie multicolore», Nicolas Bamert vous invite à une exploration spatiale. Mélangez, aquarellez et superposez textures et couleurs à l’aide de pastels à la cire et créer des effets fluorescents grâce aux maxi crayon. Enfilez votre combinaison d’astronaute, monte...
Multicoloured galaxy – Nicolas Bamert
In the online creative class "Multicoloured Galaxy," Nicolas Bamert invites you to explore space. Use pastels to mix, watercolour, and overlay textures and colours, and create fluorescent effects with the maxi pencils. Put on your astronaut suit, board your rocket, and travel between these coulo...
Bunte Galaxie – Nicolas Bamert
Im Online-Kreativkurs "Bunte Galaxie" lädt Sie Nicolas Bamert zu einer Weltraumexpedition ein. Mischen Sie, verwenden Sie Aquarellfarben und kombinieren Sie Texturen und Farben mit Wachspastellen, um fluoreszierende Effekte mit dem Maxi-Buntstift zu erzeugen. Schlüpfen Sie in Ihren Astronautenanz...