Flamboyant foxes by Ambre Verschaeve

Flamboyant foxes by Ambre Verschaeve

Learn to draw a composition of foxes with silky fur, hiding among the wild leaves

In the “Flamboyant foxes” online Creative Class, Ambre will guide you step by step in the art of composition, inviting you to draw shimmering foxes adorned with wild foliage. Passionate about colour and an incontrovertible expert. Ambre teaches you how to give life to your drawing, to work on its structure, to superimpose and blend colours together, and to play with contrasts. The result? A magnificent composition of foxes moving through the landscape, with
natural effects and unexpected renderings will immediately make you want to try other animal’s coats. So grab your pencils and dive into Ambre's poetic, delicate and ultra-coloured universe, for a moment that is as pleasant as it is playful!

Flamboyant foxes by Ambre Verschaeve
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