Fantastic landscape by Claudia Melchor del Rio

Fantastic landscape by Claudia Melchor del Rio

Create a fantastic landscape where creativity rules and learn to develop a range of textures

In the “Fantastic landscape” online Creative Class, Claudia introduces you to the simultaneous use of complementary media and invites you to create a fantastic landscape where the mountains are blue and the trees are pink. A joyful painting full of curves and movement and far-removed from all constraints, brought to life by water-soluble wax pastels and gouache. The result? Experiment with different textures in indigo, green and pink, learn how to combine them, overlay them and even create new ones. Claudia shares with you her love for abstract forms and playing with the mix of styles, techniques and vibrant colours that only she knows. Soak it all up and plunge into this imaginary world!

 Fantastic landscape by Claudia Melchor del Rio
  • Paysage fantastique – Claudia Melchor del Rio

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  • Fantastic landscape – Claudia Melchor del Rio

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