Zesty patterns – Claudia Melchor del Rio
Claudia Melchor del Rio
In the “Zesty patterns” online Creative Class, Claudia introduces you to the simultaneous use of colour pencils and water-soluble fibre-tipped pens, offering you a chance to escape to the very heart of a tropical world. But not just any world! A fantastic, abstract world populated by rocks, palm trees, mountains and flowers, each more colourful than the next, that form a living whole. The result? Claudia teaches you to create patterns by combing vibrant colours and imaginary shapes. And with her infectious joie de vivre, she shares her tips for structuring the drawing, blending colours and creating an interplay between thick and thin. Soak up this dream world!
Equipment :
Supracolor Aquarelle colour pencils
Fibralo Brush fibre-tipped pens
Square paper divided into 4 equal parts 250g/m²
Sheet of rough paper
HB Graphite pencil
Watercolour brush
Watercolour palette
Design eraser
Pencil sharpener
Cutting mat
Cutter or scissors
Steel ruler
Water cup
Adhesive tape
The Caran d'Ache material can be found on :
Biography :
A designer and illustrator, Claudia Melchor del Rio is also an architect. A field that inspires her free and highly colourful artistic style. Claudia loves illustrating scenes in which nature and architecture are intertwined, characterised by clear perspectives and utopian worlds. Her creations present unique interplays of textures, dynamic lines and vibrant movements. She draws her inspiration from her love of animals, her native Tenerife and her thirst for exploration. Her favourite instruments? Gouache Studio for its opacity and vibrant nature, Supracolor Aquarelle pencils and Neocolor II Aquarelle pastels for their versatility and ease of use. Her classes offer an open-minded approach to creativity so that everyone can create works in a cheerful and good-humoured atmosphere.
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